Registrations for the 2024-25 season are open!

Coaches and Managers

KCC encourages caregivers and supporters to get involved and volunteer. We have a focus on strong and supportive leadership as we help our players develop their skills on and off the field and foster a lifelong love of cricket.

Coaches and managers don't need to have a strong background in cricket, but being enthusiastic, inclusive, and encouraging to help grow our players is a must.

Mandatory requirements for coaches

  1. All coaches of players under 18 years old must be Police vetted
  2. All coaches must complete a cricket coaching course (online modules and in person) tailored to the grade they're coaching

You can find out further information about the requirements for coaches and courses here.


Scoring provides caregivers and supporters a fantastic opportunity to learn more about cricket and support the team each week. We encourage lots of caregivers to get involved and learn to score, so that scoring can be shared each week.

All hard ball grades, Year 5 and above are required to use PlayHQ to score.

Soft ball grades can download and use printed scoresheets.


Update text here. 

​​​​​​​Cricket Wellington and New Zealand Cricket Resources​​​​​​​

NZC Community Cricket Hub

Smash Play

NZC Coaching Centre

Play HQ

NZC Get involved - coaching, umpiring, scoring, volunteering

NZC Support and Learning​​​​​​​

Health and Safety 

Please report any accidents or near misses to the

There is an AED on the wall of the cafe facing the park. In an emergency, call 111 and the call taker will provide the pin code for access.

NZC are in support of new concussion guidelines which have come into play for the 2024 winter sport season. They are designed to improve health outcomes and wellbeing for the people who play community sport by introducing a standardised approach to managing concussion. 

The key changes are:

1. When a player suffers a concussion, they must be symptom-free for 14 days post-injury before a graduated return to play.

2. They must complete a minimum period of 21 days away from full competition before clearance to return.

3. Medical clearance must be obtained prior to return to play.