David Bain, life member, passed away overnight peacefully at home on 6 April. David's funeral will be held in St Johns Church, Willis Street, Wellington, on Friday 12 April at 10.30am. His obiturary can be found here.
Alan Graham has shared these words about David:
David was a long-time lower grade Karori cricketer and then a long serving committee member and Life Member. His main tasks were to oversee the conversion of Karori Park and the clubrooms into the fine venue and facilities you see today, and to oversee the operations and ongoing success of the Karori Cricket Foundation. He also worked tirelessly to ensure Karori met the new criteria for admission to the current premier status.
As a player his heyday was 1981 when he made more than 400 runs for the KCC third XI. In 2005 as President he led the club to its 125th anniversary, with adinner for 100 at the clubrooms.
He is also famed for an incident when a colleage made 100 and David took a gin and tonic out to the middle to mark the occasion.
His daughter shared that as part of his last wishes he wanted black and white flowers at his funeral so there will be white flowers with black ribbons as a tribute. He thought about his beloved club right to the end.